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Poems About Heaven

A speculative poem about heaven

Royal Throne
This poem is about embracing heaven and Gods son.

Christ is Here
Home going, heaven

Storing Your Treasures
Make sure your treasure are stored in Heaven!

The places we will go
Eternity is too vast to comprehend, but oh what a journey!

I think of heaven a lot, and although I can barely wait to see what "our minds can't conceive," I also want to be here for my young son. But if we both go in the rapture...BONUS!

What Awaits The Saints In Glory first in poetry contest
One time I was in a stadium with 30,000 others, all praising the Lord. It was fantastic. Yet I cannot even begin to imagine what it will be like to called to an even greater assembly before the King of Glory, praising Him with the multitudes.

No Matter
He loves sinners.

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