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Poems About Heaven

It is a poem about heaven, describing our short time to spend here on earth and remembering us about our eternal abode.

In The Sweet By and By
God gave me this poem after I survived from having a heart attack. My desire is that others may know there is hope of eternal life, beyond the grave. Praise His Wonderful Name! I would like this read at the time of my passing, for Jesus sake.

4th Verse to Day by Day
I always felt like the classic hymn Day by Day seemed incomplete finishing with "..'til I reach the promised land." I wanted to address the promised land meeting.

Homesick for Heaven
Heaven is no air castle or a daydream! Heaven is a real place for born again believers. Our hope of heaven is in the precious shed blood of our dear Savior, Jesus Christ. There's no other fountain so sweet!

Silver Angel finalist in poetry contest
Angels are near

The Lord Ascends in Triumph
The best we can do is to: Hang in there because Jesus is one day closer; be persistent in prayers; and pray like crazy! Let's go serve our King!

My Vision
It is because of our Redeemer's ressurrection, we have an appetite for eternity with Him. It is because the death of Jesus Christ, we can hope for eternity with Him; because He died for our sins.

Glory Awaits Us
Scripture is clear that we are saved by grace. Those who trust Christ will go to heaven be there good works many or few. Nevertheless, Scripture is also clear that this life is our opportunity to lay up treasures in heaven. God will reward His servants.

He's Preparing Rooms
Jesus in me keeps His laws faithfully., making me ready for Heaven. John 14:4. You know the way to the place I am going. II Corinthians 12:9. And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.

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