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Faith Poetry

Against all odds
Inspired by Romans 4 : 18

Forgive Me, Abba
Abba has been there for me all along, I just couldn't hear Him. Now I know better and I share my heart of forgiveness.

“If God Loves Me Then…”?
John 15:13 KJVGreater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Forgiveness....It'll Set You Free
Speaking of "unforgiveness" and how it affects your thrive in life, we must forgive as Christ forgave us.

Whatever He Says To You Then Do
John 2:5 KJV His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.

Joined To Him
How the love of the Lord joins us to Him with a cord that can't be broken.

Language of Faith
This is about faith and how it is voiced.

Psalm 37
A poetic, a little bit shortened version of this well-known psalm; whose central theme is God’s faithfulness when we trust in Him. Also, the psalm contrasts the fate of the wicked, and the righteous.

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