O' when the darkness takes command
and makes you feel alone,
call out to God and seek His face—
to Him you're not unknown.
He knows your heart—He knows your soul—
He formed each one and all.
So come to Him—He'll comfort you—
the Lord awaits your call.
He'll give you rest from weariness—
a refuge He'll provide.
Reach out to Him and have no fear—
from God please do not hide.
Go forth to dwell within the Lord
and He will cover you.
His faithfulness will be your shield
and nothing will get through…
No pestilence that stalks at night,
no arrows sent your way,
will cause you fear when you're with God,
nor plagues that come midday.
Almighty God will shield you from
disasters that arise.
He will protect you day and night—
no need to agonize.
He'll gather you beneath His wing—
His angels He'll deploy.
They'll lift you up with mighty hands
and help preserve your joy.
So, do not fear the dark of night—
search for the Light that shines.
It's when you seek that you shall find
the Lord who calls you "mine."
This poem was a finalist in the
May 2024 poetry contest