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Continued Edifying Care

by Humberto Resto © 2024

1- Always remember our Christian Brothers and Sisters, WHOSE names we unknowingly forget, yet remember our favorite baristas.

2- We shared God's word adopted them as siblings in Christ, NOW we smile share a drive by wave at church, which just doesn't suffice.

3- They need our prayers, hugs love, smiles, encouragement and continued edifying care, SHARING that God's walk is not for the weak of heart of this we are aware.

4- So reach out text, call or visit one another, BECAUSE our adopted new Christian siblings may have been raised without a Sister, Brother, Father or Mother.

5- Continued Edifying Care, TRANSFORMS our daily walk and we share smiles everywhere.

6- Our Christian family is growing of this we are joyfully aware, REJOICING, glorifying God, because today a Christian sibling reminded us, that we are not alone and God answers prayers.

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