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Joy and Free

by Clinton Herring © 2024

My soul once sad
Now beams with joy.
I'm now a man,
But once a boy.

There was a time
When all seemed fun,
But sin was there
and weighed a ton.

For I was lost
To God for sure,
And felt the pain
We all endure.

Until that time
He came to stay.
He took my load
And cast away.

For now is peace
A gift from Him
As He gave life
In darkness dim.

His life for mine
But then He rose.
By power great.
The Father knows.

So now I'm filled
By Spirit's life.
His ALL in me,
His Glory rife.

Sweet Spirit's Joy,
He lives in me.
His work so great
That set me free!

This poem was a finalist in the June 2024 poetry contest

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