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Deep in the Woods

by Dave Mudford © 2024

Deep in the woods,
I dare not go, or venture in,
afraid what I may find, afraid what I may not;
deep in the woods,
where shadows looms and my heartaches groan,
where pride perfumes and complaints do moan;
deep in the woods,
where a tree is felled, but there is no sound
where my fear is yelled, but no care is found;
deep in the woods,
where I never dwell, where I never leave
lost to the light, lost to real hope;
deep in the woods,
alone in fear, alone in doubts;
deep in the woods, caught in the rain,
deep in the woods, deep in my pain…

Deep in the woods,
where a tree is felled, and a cross is formed
where grace is shown, where love is known;
deep in the woods,
where the wood grains rich, enhanced by scars;
deep in the woods,
where beauty lasts, and connection lives
where hope contrasts, and where grace forgives;
deep in the woods,
not on my own, but with my Lord
not to fear prone, but now restored;
deep in the woods,
where flowers blooms, despite my pain
where peace consumes, despite the rain;
deep in the woods,
where shadows pass, within His light,
deep in the woods,
I go at last, to gain my sight;
deep in the woods, alone no more
deep in the woods, alive for sure!

Note: Sometimes God takes us through the wilderness (woods), so we can learn to leave our Egypt (slavery) behind and instead learn to embrace freedom and His favour as He leads us to the promise land. We must trust and rest in Him even when we are in the wilderness; not being afraid or wishing it away but embracing the true beauty and growth it reveals.

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