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The Shekinah glory came shining through

by Royston

There is a Light, an Uncreated Beam
In which the Glory of God can be seen
This pure and holy and Eternal light
is seen in Jesus Christ shining so bright

A light brighter than the noonday sun
Shines from the Lord, the Righteous One
He's King of kings and Lord of all
And beneath His feet all men shall fall

Great mystery of Godliness none can tell
How in Christ the fullness of God could dwell
But the glory of God came shining through
There on the mountain before their view

There is a wondrous light that shines so bright.
that darkness is banished before its' sight.
This uncreated Light on earth did shine
and our life was enriched by the Divine.

With glorious beauty His life unfurled
blazing out holiness in this dark world.
The Shekinah glory comes shining through
as Jesus reaches out to me and you.

Matthew 17:1-2 After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.

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