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Water to Wine

by Dave Mudford © 2024

Each day He gives us water
a new well from which to drink,
providing life in true abundance
giving much more than we think.

the water to wine He gives
more, sweeter than the taste
more, deeper than the surface
too precious for us to waste

Each day He gives us mercy
a forgiveness without end,
providing life its flavour
so, His grace we comprehend.

the water to wine He gives
seen in the goodness of His heart
seen in the simple and the hard
secure in the love, He does impart.

Each day He gives us strength
to help us in our weakness,
blessing us with His presence
He's faithful in His kindness.

the water to wine He gives
should never be neglected,
should fill our lives with joy
as His love gets reflected.

Each day He gives us Himself
making our ordinary great,
connecting us to Father's heart
a brand-new life, He does create.

the water to wine He gives
through His broken body lifted high
through the precious blood He shed
so, to our old "self" we can dieā€¦

we gather round this table; on His grace we dine
so, we can all know, the blessing of new wine!

Note: Writing this poem reminded me of the old chorus below, written by Bill and Gloria Gaither. He takes our ordinary and with it creates something beautiful and good. Taking our failure and turning it into a lesson; taking our weakness and through it displaying His strength, taking our loaves and fishes and multiplying it for His glory, taking our mundane and making it glorious, taking our brokenness to reveal His healing and taking our water and turning it into wine!

"Something beautiful, something good,
All my confusion, He understood
All I had to offer Him, was brokenness and strife
But He made something beautiful of my life!"

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