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by Kristine Stanton © 2024

Christ Jesus—stripped of dignity
had paid the price for you and me.
Beaten, mocked, and crowned with thorns—
in blood and scars He was adorn.

'Twas Roman soldiers who whipped Christ—
His life was taken—sacrificed,
and those around did mock and stare—
they shouted out—they did not care.

The Rulers sneered—they did accuse—
they said He's claimed the King of Jews,
but Pilate said "tis not a crime—
I find no fault at this time."

"Pilate learned that Jesus was a Galilean
and that He "was under Herod's jurisdiction,
so he sent him to Herod,"
(Luke 23:7, NIV).

Yes, Herod had authority
to judge this man of dignity,
but when he questioned Jesus Christ—
no answers given—none sufficed.

Chief priests and teachers of the law
were standing by and they did call—
they called out words accusingly—
this group spoke out intrusively.

Since Jesus chose to be silent,
'twas back to Pilate He was sent.
The people shouted, "crucify."
Three times did Pilate ask them, "why?"

"I find no grounds to crucify,"
but with loud shouts from passersby
he granted them their "death" demands
and handed them this guiltless man.

Then Christ was punished for a crime—
disgraced and beaten at the time.
His skin was lashed until it ripped—
soldiers beat Him—Christ was whipped.

And after Jesus was attacked
a cross was placed upon His back.
As Roman soldiers led the way
Christ walked to Calvary that day. . .

His clothes divided—lots were tossed
as He was nailed upon a cross.
The hour came when Jesus passed—
He called to God and breathed His last.

With nails that pierced His hands and feet—
the task was done—it was complete.
LORD Jesus Christ was sacrificed
and now He dwells in Paradise.

This poem was a finalist in the July 2024 poetry contest

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