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Kingdom Shaped Church

by Dave Mudford © 2024

Do we have a church shaped Kingdom
or do we have a Kingdom shaped church?
are we living in true freedom
or are we too careful where we lurch?

Do we limit where Christ leads us?
treading safely along the path;
form a committee to discuss
So, we don't catch our leader's wrath.

Do we dwell right on the edge
prepared to risk comfort for true love,
living faithful to our pledge
not fixated on our pretty dove.

Do we design who we are,
careful rules to guard our hearts
so, our feelings do not scar
plotting progress on our charts.

Do we let go of expectations
free to roam, where His Spirit leads,
not governed by our reservations
but sharing love through our deeds.

Do we measure success by our claims
the height of steeples set on highs;
our reflections in candle flames
wondering why the church still dies!

Do we embrace His Kingdom claims
the Lord of all, now set on high
His reflection seen, as lives explain
why love and grace caused Christ to die.

Do we protect above all else
showing others where they are wrong,
careful to manage our expense
how great we are, becomes our song!

Do we give grace above all else
showing others how they belong
prepared to give all love's expense
how great Thou art, always our song!

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