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From Weakness to Might

by Bose V © 2024

They saw a shepherd, young and small,
In David's hands, no strength at all.
But God saw courage deep within,
And made him king, where kings begin.

Fishermen by the shore, so plain,
No wealth, no power, no great name.
Yet Jesus called them, hearts ablaze,
And made them heralds of His ways.

A tax collector, despised, alone,
Matthew, a man of sin well-known.
But Jesus saw what others missed,
A soul to heal, a life to twist.

A barren womb, a mother's cry,
In Sarah's arms, hope seemed to die.
Yet God fulfilled what He had spoken,
From her weakness, a nation was awoken.

And Saul, who raged with hateful fire,
Was met by Christ, his heart entire.
From blind to seeing, weak to strong,
Paul spread the Word, his journey long.

For Jesus sees what we do not,
He turns the weak, the oft-forgot.
With hands of grace, He shapes and molds,
And from the broken, His power unfolds.

This poem won second place for the August 2024 poetry contest

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