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Poems by Bose V

poem count: 25 | pages: 3 | second place: 1 time | finalist: 4 times
Mercy's Embrace: A Reflection on Isaiah 42:3 finalist in poetry contest
Isaiah 42:3: God's gentle care,For the weak, He's there.No bruised reed shall break,Nor flickering wick forsake.

Path to Blessings: Faith and Patience
Faith and patience lead to blessings, as seen in the life of Abraham. Hebrews 6:11 reaffirms the importance of these virtues in obtaining God's promises.

Gifts of Grace: Choosing Light over Illusion
When we recognize and prioritize the spiritual abundance bestowed upon us by God, we honor His grace and avoid squandering His gifts, unlike those who chase after worldly illusions.Jonah 2:8

Divine Patience: Lessons from the Ages
In summer's heat, Proverbs 16:32 shows,Patience brings the strength that glows.Amidst anger's fiery spree,Tranquility sets the spirit free.

Divine Redemption: David's Journey
Despite David's flaws, God's enduring love and forgiveness prevailed, as Psalm 51:17 reflects, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise."

Heaven's Promise
Heaven's Promise" captures the beauty of the celestial realm described in Revelation, highlighting its unmatched glory compared to earthly riches. As Matthew 6:20 states, "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not des

Heart's Call
This poem reflects on Jesus' compassionate heart, reaching out to souls in sin with love and mercy, offering redemption and new life.

Sacred Journeys: Pioneers of the Gospel
"Pioneers of the Gospel" commemorates the courageous journeys and sacrifices of renowned missionaries such as Amy Carmichael, William Carey, Pandita Ramabai, John, and Betty Stam in India and China, inspiring us to carry forward their legacy of spreading

Steadfast Legacy: The Recabite Covenant
"The Recabite Covenant" encapsulates the unwavering commitment of the Recabite lineage to God, serving as a timeless example of standing firm in faith amidst trials and temptations.Jeremiah 35:6-19