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Why Me?

by Clinton Herring © 2024

I walk a narrow road
With Jesus as my guide
And hope at journey's end
I lose all ugly pride.

I'm made from dust and sand.
Where comes this pride in me?
A trait I most detest,
That keeps me chained - unfree.

So why my God should care
To buy me back from sin,
And crown me as His heir,
I'm lost to why I win?

My Lord, He chose to die
To bring me home for good.
There's nothing I could do
To stop my death...He could!

So now I have new joy
That comes from high above,
From one forever pure,
And infinite in Love!

James 4:5b He jealously desires the Spirit whom He has made to dwell in us...
Isaiah 48:11 For My own sake, for My own sake, I will act... And I will not give My glory to another.

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