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Not a Weak Thing

by Kevin Smead © 2024

The Christian religion is not a weak thing,
Of God's awesome power we shout and we sing.
It's about a strong tower, a glorious name,
And those who believe will not be ashamed.

For a wonderful Savior has put away sin,
And driven the darkness back into its den.
With great divine power He rose from the dead,
And ascended on high, the church's true head.

Those who believe can face the dark days,
And know He directs us in all of our ways.
From our loving Father, O who can divide,
A soul that on Jesus's death has relied.

Now all who are His, they can stand at the grave,
And bless the great name which is mighty to save.
Death where is your victory? grave where is your sting?
For from your dark cavern this body shall spring.

World powers align, they are vast in their might,
But Christ shall defeat them at last in the fight.
His Kingdom is mighty, its founding is sure,
His subjects are happy, yea safe and secure.

The Christian religion is not a weak thing,
We have a great charter, we have a great king.
When all the world powers go down to the pit,
With Christ in His glory believers shall sit. 

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