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What of the Night?

by Kevin Smead © 2024

Watchman O watchman, what of the night?
What in the mist and the fog to cause fright?
Terrors and horrors that interrupt sleep?
Witches and goblins that utter and peep?

"No," said the watchman, "the darkness does lie,
While there is true evil one cannot deny.
There is a presence pervading all space,
Enriching in mercy, enfolding in grace.

The powers of darkness, though real, I can say,
There is someone greater whose will they obey.
Unconscious, unwilling, but still just the same,
They yield to His power and bow to His name."

Then watchman please tell me what is it I fear?
He spoke it so softly but still I could hear:
"It's only the shadows, cast by the moonlight,
The Lord is the sovereign of day and of night.

The things that you fear are all under his sway,
You'll know I speak truth when again it is day.
For now we learn dearly to pray and to wait,
The Lord shall direct us, and not a cruel fate."

This poem was a finalist in the September 2024 poetry contest

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