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Unsung Saints: Faith in the Shadows

by Bose V © 2024

In the quiet corners of scripture's scroll,
Live those whose stories quietly unfold.
Not kings or prophets with great renown,
But souls whose faith will never drown.

Bezalel, a craftsman, wise and skilled,
With Spirit-gifted hands to build.
The tabernacle's beauty, heaven-inspired,
By his humble work, the Lord was admired.

Ehud, the left-handed warrior, brave,
With a hidden dagger, Israel he saved.
A judge who freed them from Moab's reign,
His courage rose when others refrained.

Shiphrah and Puah, midwives of light,
Defied a king to do what's right.
They spared the children, against the law,
In them, God's justice we all saw.

Jochebed, Moses' mother so bold,
Placed her child in a basket of gold.
By faith, she let the river decide,
Trusting in God's unseen guide.

Micaiah, the prophet who stood alone,
When falsehood claimed every throne.
With truth on his lips, despite the hate,
He spoke God's word, sealed by fate.

Huldah, the prophetess, wise and true,
Who revealed God's word when the scroll was new.
Kings sought her counsel, found wisdom bright,
Her voice shone clear in Israel's night.

From the shadows, they arise, unseen,
Their stories small, but their faith serene.
In these lives, God's grace we see,
The quiet heroes of eternity.

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