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Seize the Moment: Seek Him While He May Be Found

by Bose V © 2024

When the dawn breaks with promise, don't let it fade,
Seek Him, the giver, where hope is laid.
In moments of mercy, when grace is near,
Open your heart; let go of your fear.

The time is a river, flowing so fast,
Don't linger in shadows, or let chances pass.
The call of the Spirit is loud and clear,
"Come, find your solace; draw ever near."

Opportunities whisper in the still of the night,
Awakening dreams, igniting the light.
When burdens weigh heavy, and paths seem unclear,
Remember, the Savior is always here.

Each day is a treasure, a gift to embrace,
In seeking His presence, we find our place.
Don't miss the moment; the hour is now,
With open hearts, let us take our vow.

To chase after mercy, to follow His way,
For those who seek Him shall never stray.
So rise in the morning, with hope as your guide,
For in every opportunity, His love will abide.

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