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Awakening to His Return: Signs of the Times

by Bose V © 2024

In the shadow of ages, the whispers are clear,
Echoes of prophecy, drawing us near.
From mountains to valleys, the signs now unfold,
A story of grace and of warnings retold.

Earth groans with the burden of chaos and strife,
Nations at odds, as we ponder our life.
The love of many growing cold, as foretold,
A world in turmoil, as hearts turn to gold.

False prophets arise, with words sweet as honey,
Deceiving the faithful, all for the money.
Technology binding, we're wired yet lost,
A race against time, but at what cost?

Pestilence spreading, the earth bears its scars,
Wars rage and tremble beneath distant stars.
Yet in the darkness, a light still breaks through,
A promise of hope, for the faithful and true.

As signs in the heavens begin to appear,
The faithful remember, for our hope is near.
With every sunrise, each moment we pray,
"Come, Lord Jesus," we cry, in dismay.

For as the days pass, and the seasons align,
We gather in faith, with our hearts intertwined.
With each ticking second, the hour draws nigh,
A kingdom unshaken, beyond the sky.

Let us be watchful, with hearts full of grace,
For in His returning, we'll find our true place.
In trials and triumphs, let faith be our guide,
For the coming of Jesus, our Savior, our Bride.

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