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His Transforming Light

by Dave Mudford © 2024

light, flickers in the distant
filtered by the shadow of remorse,
never remains consistent
it's no wonder, I wander off course...

light, shines from deep within
sourced from the God who died for me,
shining bright despite my sin
never lost, for I now am free!

John 8:12 ESV Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Note: Jesus says He is the light of world. However, if we just have Him as a concept (keeping Him distant), then there are many shadows that tend to diffuse His light from our awareness.

However, if we embrace Jesus for ourselves (as our personal Saviour) He comes to live in our very soul. So, no matter what distractions and hardship we may face - His light is with us - for He never leaves us or forsakes us. We can have a certain hope and peace. And when shadows start to creep into our thoughts, we can remind ourselves of this important truth.

Jesus is the light of the world, and He lives within.

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