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Faith's Reward

by Eugene Whitney © 2018

I always trusted God to keep
His promise to be there for me.
But there are times that I despair
Because I cannot feel him there.

I prayed for help to understand
And stop my fear that was at hand.
Then God responded making clear
That He was close, I need not fear.

The first thing that He made me see
Was how my faith was meant to be.
Not feelings, I now know is true,
But more belief of mind anew.

My greatest opportunity
To exercise my faith will be
That when my feelings let me down,
Belief will keep me strong and sound.

The just shall live by faith, we're taught
And not by feelings as I thought.
So now I choose to trust my Lord
His closeness is my faith's reward.

This poem was a finalist in the October 2024 poetry contest

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