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Poems by Eugene Whitney

poem count: 30 | pages: 4 | second place: 2 times | finalist: 6 times
It is helpful to understand our own sensitivities so that they do not interfere with our ability to show God's love.

True Love
Christians need to understand the relationship of suffering and love.

Abiding in Christ
We remain close to Christ in a variety of ways.

The God of all comfort wants us to understand the value of discomfort.

Love Is Patient And Kind
God's love shines through us in patience and kindness.

Living By Faith
Faith has many benefits.

In God We Trust
We can trust God with our suffering because he understands it better than we do.

Turning To God finalist in poetry contest
Turning to God has wonderful benefits.

Subtle Sins
Since sin interferes with our relationship with God, we need to be aware of our own subtle sins.