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The Cross of Compassion

by Deborah Ann Belka

I cried the day I was told,
I wailed, I bawled, I groaned
I cried when they killed Him
I wept, I sobbed, I moaned.

I cried when I found out,
He was crucified - to save me
I cried when I discovered
in His death, I would be free.

I cried when I first knew,
His life was love - purely justified
I wept, I wailed, I sobbed
the day I heard Jesus died.

I cried when I received,
the gift of His eternal passion
I cried when I found my hope
on the Cross of His compassion.

I cried the day I finally saw,
the blood stains on His face
I wept, I sobbed, I moaned
for my shame - in God's grace.

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