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Love Letter from God

by Deborah Ann Belka

Today I received,
a love letter from God
I opened up my Bible
here is what I read . . .

I am your Creator,
before you were born
I molded and formed you
just like the dew in the morn.

I'm the remedy to your needs,
I am your soothing balm
I'm the peace in your storm
I am the voice that is calm.

I'm all the grace you need,
in Me, there is eternal life
I came so that I could bear
the burden of your strife.

I am your staff of comfort,
I will shield and protect you
through life's complexities
together we'll journey through.

I am the anchor of your soul,
a safe place to run and hide
I will never forsake you . . .
I am always at your side.

I'm the lamp unto your way,
with my Word I will guide
I am the One who you feel
stirring up deep inside.

I am your Creator,
I knew you from the start
that is why I gave to you
for Me ~ a loving heart!

John 16:33
King James Version

“These things I have spoken unto you,
that in me ye might have peace.
In the world ye shall have tribulation:
but be of good cheer; I have overcome
the world.”

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