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A Clean Heart

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord ~ create in me a heart,
one devoted to only you
take away what keeps
You from getting through.

Give me a heart that's wise,
let me seek You for directions
help me to fully understand
Your tweaks and corrections.

Change what You want,
do whatever You can
so, I may come to know
for me, Your perfect plan.

Renew in me Your spirit,
repair the decay of my sin
cleanse me inside out
till only You reign within.

Give me a heart with a soul,
full of love and affection
let it be a heart that shines
with You in my reflection.

Lord I give You my heart,
in favor of Your pursuing
for I know You I can trust
in whatever You'll be doing!

Psalms 51.10
King James Version

“Create in me a clean heart,
O God; and renew a right spirit within

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