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Love and Marraige?

by Deborah Ann Belka

Spouse not listening,
does't hear what you say
thinking of parting . . .
going off your own way?

Wife doesn't get you,
always nagging and complaining
thinking of finding . . .
a relationship more sustaining?

Husband mad and angry,
always yells and screams
thinking of looking . . .
for the man of your dreams?

Children too stubborn,
rebellious and defiant
thinking of going . . .
so they'll be more compliant?

In-laws causing problems,
always meddling in your life
thinking of departing. . .
to put an end to the strife?

Every marriage,
brings irritation and frustration
but if you call it quits . . .
it'll bring spiritual starvation.

For, what God has put together,
He doesn't want to see fall apart
your marriage He can heal . . .
if you let Him, take hold of your heart!

Matthew 19:6
King James Version

“Wherefore they are no more twain, but
one flesh. What therefore God hath
joined together,let not man put

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