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The Fragrance of His Grace

by Deborah Ann Belka

I have smelt the rotten odor,
that living in sin brings.
I've taken a whiff of lust,
among other distasteful things.

I've bathed in the perfume,
of the riches of this world.
I've sniffed around in greed,
and gave decadence a whirl.

I've reeked of self-assurance,
on my destructive path.
I've walked along the highway,
that only leads to God's wrath.

I was on the road to hell,
until the truth came my way.
Then I heard Jesus loved me,
and how He died for me that day.

The sweet aroma of these words,
finally brought me to my senses.
And soon I was convicted,
of all of my sins and offenses.

Now the fragrance of His grace,
is all that I can smell.
And the essence of His Spirit
now has a place in me to dwell.

2 Corinthians 2:15
"For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing."

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