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What Made Bud Wiser

by Pearl Leona Sturgis

Whoever named that liquid brew
designed to make Bud wise?
I wonder if they really knew
how it opened up his eyes?
Let's give the credit where it's due.
The was rough,
but in the end it turned out true.
Bud really did wise up.
Do you know what made Bud wiser?
Sleeping like a log...
and waking to discover...
he's outside with the dog!

He guzzled straight down 3 or 4
and said, "I'M TEN FEET TALL!"
But when he stood to prove it
he couldn't stand at all!
He said, "I thought this bar stool
came right about my knee...
But now I think this ole bar stool
is twice as tall as me!"
And that's what made Bud wiser.
The name fits like a shoe.
Anybody's wiser ...
than acting like a fool.

He said, "I want just one more drink
to make me smart enough
to figure how I'll pay the rent
for things are really tough."
One for the road took his last cent
and all his money's gone...
But Bud don't need to pay the rent
'cause he aint going home.
And that's what made Bud wiser
with every fluid ounce.
He woke up on the sidewalk
and learned what really counts!

It's sad but true. It took so long
for Bud to realize,
but when he lost his wife and home
he started getting wise.
He said, "I think it all began
inside that brewery.
The liquid in this little can
has made a fool of me."
And that's what made Bud wiser.
That's when Bud knew why...
But he only realized it ...
as long as he stayed dry.

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