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On the Highway of Holiness

by Deborah Ann Belka

One day I am going to walk on,
the Highway of Holiness
where the road is paved
with eternal joy and gladness.

I am going to stroll down,
the lane of pure delight
I am going to walk with the Lord
and be bathed in His light.

One day I going to march,
with all who've been redeemed
we are going to sing together
next to the life-giving stream.

I am going to a future place
where there won't be any sorrow
and all of my doubts and fears
will not be allowed to follow.

One day my feet will set on,
a land where there is no pain
and all my tears will wash away
like the clouds with the rain.

You may call me a fool,
but for me . . that is okay . . .
because on the Road of Holiness
I will never again, go astray!

Isaiah 35

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