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by Gertrude Jefferies

In the twinkling of an eye,
We'll be caught up to the sky.
As we travel home to be
With our Lord eternally.

As we rise up, we will feel
Earth's strong gravitation yield.
Going past sun, moon and stars,
Saturn, Jupiter and Mars.

We'll have our new bodies then,
No more sickness, pain or sin.
Understand all things anew,
With the mind of Christ we'll view.

We shall know as we are known
As we enter our new home.
Friends and loved ones we will see.
What reunions there will be !

We will spend eternity
With the One who set us free.
To our precious Lord and King,
Praise forever we will sing.

As we look upon His face,
We will sing, 'Amazing Grace.'
Angels then will fold their wings,
For THIS SONG they cannot sing.

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