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Unsearchable Treasures

by Deborah Ann Belka

There is a mighty treasure,
full of mercy, grace and love
and it sits up in the heavens
and watches us from above.

The riches of this treasury,
are unsearchable by man
on our own, we won't find it
but in Jesus, we all can.

He came to lavish on us,
the richness of His grace
and there's no greater splendor
than to see the glory of His face.

The wealth He has for us,
is like nothing here on earth
for the magnificence of its truth
brings a new and radiant birth.

Though Christ had God's favor,
He became poor for our sakes
and gave us eternal treasures
if we confess our mistakes.

So don't miss out on this fortune,
there is nothing else like its kind
invite Jesus into your life,
and heaven's bounty you will find!

Ephesians 3:7-9

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