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Psalm 139 Personally Paraphrased

by Gertrude Jefferies

Wherever in this world I may travel,
Wherever on this earth I may trod.
I can never be lost to Your Spirit,
I can never escape from You, God.

If I hide in the depths of the ocean,
Or ride the wings of the fastest wind,
Even in hell, there your hand will find me,
And the darkness becomes light again.

You know when I stand, when I'm sitting,
Know my thoughts before they are formed.
You go before, yet You are behind me
I'm surrounded by Your eternal love.

You formed me; every part so exquisite,
I'm fearfully, wonderfully made.
For in secret You saw my creation,
You planned my birth; second, minute and day.

And You are always thinking about me,
I'm never, ever out of Your sight.
You formed me, You know me, You love me,
In this knowledge I take great delight.

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