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The Storm...

by Gertrude Jefferies

The thunder stomped across the sky,
With angry fists the rain did beat.
My little ship was buffeted so,
I thought I'd sink into the deep.

My ship was lifted on high waves,
Then slammed into an angry sea.
As gusts of wind so fiercely blew,
I thought dry land I'd never see.

And then a voice called out to me,
So calm and clear, though the storm raged.
"Be not afraid, the Anchor holds,
It settles deep beneath the waves.

Allow yourself to rest in Me,
I am the Anchor! Do not fear!
Together we'll go through this storm,
Come into waters calm and clear.

And so I took Him at His word,
Though weary, tempest-tossed and worn.
My ship, though buffeted, was secure.
The Anchors' strength outweighed the storm.

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