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A Little Boy's Letter To God

by Gertrude Jefferies


I've wondered what heaven is really like:
Do You have a playground,
Can I ride my bike?
Will I have to go to bed at eight,
Or will I be able to stay up late?

I wonder what heaven is really like:
Will I go to a school,
Will we go on hikes?
Will I have fractions to do at night,
And if I do, will I get them all right?

Will I see my friend who died long ago,
Will he recognize me?
Oh, I really hope so.
We were the best of buddies here on earth,
When he had to leave me, it really hurt.

My grandma and grandpa will both be there,
So I won't be afraid,
There's nothing to fear.
My mom says I'll have everything to gain,
For when I go home, there'll be no more pain.

I know I will miss my mom and my dad,
They're the best parents a kid ever had.
Maybe some time I can come visit them?
Mom said they'd be coming but she didn't know when.

But the very best person I want to see
Is Jesus Christ. Mom said he died for me.
She said that He loved me ever so much,
And I'll have no more pain, after His touch.

Now there's just one other thing on my mind,
Mickey, my dog, must I leave him behind?
We could play together, have lots of fun.
Heaven must have some place for a dog to run.

Thank you for reading my letter, dear God,
My mom will mail it when she leaves for her job.
I'll be watching for a reply from you,
So when I get there, I'll know what to do.

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