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He Bore It All For Me

by Gertrude Jefferies

Hate filled faces, framed by madness.
Clenched fists raised by angry men
in a frenzy, screaming loudly.
"Away with him! Crucify him!"

Pilot said,"I cannot fault him,
I find nothing worthy death."
But they cried out still more loudly,
"Crucify him," as with one breath.

Upon us and on our children,
Be his blood, they cried in rage.
Sadly Jesus looked upon them,
These were those he came to save.

Incited by chief priests and elders,
Angry voices shouted still,
We don't want him, give us Barabbas,
And Pilate hearkened to their will.

Meekly Jesus stood before them
As they vented hate and spite;
Scourging, mocking, spitting, cursing,
Bore it all without a fight.

Out to Calvary's hill they led Him,
Hung Him on a cross so high.
And for every sin of mankind
Lifted up was He to die.

As He hung there, bleeding, dying,
Blood and water flowed from His side.
And this precious Man of Sorrows
Cried, "it's finished," and He died.

Now there need not be another
Sacrifice made for my sin.
When He died the debt was cancelled.
Paid in full! by Gods dear Son.

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