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The Gift

by Gertrude Jefferies

The angel said to Mary,
"You are the chosen one,
Blessed above all women,
To bear God's Holy Son."

The angel said to Joseph,
"Fear not, she has not sinned.
The Spirit of the Most High God
Has placed this Child, within.

For He will be a Saviour,
Emmanuel, His name.
He comes to earth with purpose,
His people to reclaim.

In Bethlehem, Judea
One dark and lonely night,
In a cold and barren stable,
No warm and glowing light

To usher in this Baby,
This Saviour of the world.
Whose cradle was a manger,
His mother? Just a girl

But out upon a hillside,
Where shepherds guarded sheep,
A heavenly host of angels,
These frightened men did greet.

Behold! we bring you greetings
Of joy and peace on earth;
For lying in a manger
Is one of Royal Birth,

They came and found the Baby,
Just as the angels said.
They worshipped and adored Him.
Then left, the news to spread.

And so today we worship
The greatest gift of all:
God's love, sent down from heaven
The One the scripture's call:

Emmanuel, Counsellor.
The mighty God; Supreme
Wonderful, Prince of Peace.
And the Everlasting King.

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