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Jesus, My Redeemer

by Deborah Ann Belka

He is the Alpha and the Omega,
the Beginning and the End
He is our Jehovah, our Lord of Glory
our Eternal Life and forever Friend.

He is the Light of the world,
the Morning Star, the Righteous Sun
He is our Lord, our King, and our Prince
He is God's only - Beloved Son.

He is the Word and the Living Bread
the Ransom, the Truth, and the Way
He is the living Son of God
our Wonderful Savior of the day.

He is the Faithful Protector,
the Rock, the Shield, and the Rod
He is our Refuge, our Strength, our Fortress
He is the begotten - Holy One of God.

He is the Good Shepherd,
The Redeemer, the Everlasting Peace
He is our Lamp and our Lamb
He is the Servant who came to teach.

He is the Fountain of Living Waters
the Helper, the Physician, and the Healer
He is our Portion, our Bread of Life
our Restorer and the Holy Spirit's sealer.

He is the Branch and the True Vine
the Root of David is where He is from.
He is the Tree of Everlasting Life,
He is the Bridegroom yet to come.

He has many names as you can see,
and on all of them we can surely call
but . . . Jesus . . . my Blessed Redeemer
is my favorite one of them all!

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