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My Joy

by Deborah Ann Belka

My joy is not about,
things made for the thrill of man
nor in the fun and amusements
that Satan has in his plan.

My joy is in the Lord,
in the salvation that He brings
and that is why I shun
the gratification of such things.

My joy is not about,
my life and what I could own
nor in the pleasures
of any wild seeds to be sown.

My joy is in the Lord,
and the path for me He's made
where the fullness of His delight
will never die or fade.

My joy is not about,
the satisfaction that others seek
nor about self fulfillment
that will cause me to be weak.

My joy is in the Lord,
in the truth that makes me strong
and that is why I know
lusting after earthly things is wrong.

My joy is not about,
finding favor in this life
My joy is knowing in the morning
He'll wipe away all my strife!

Psalm 30:5

"For His anger is but for a moment,
His favor is for life;
Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning."

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