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The Battle Within

by Gertrude Jefferies

There is a constant war that rages,
Between two natures that are within.
And the nature that I feed the most
Is the one that will most surely win.

The sin nature I did inherit
From my foreparents of long ago,
Makes me go the way of destruction
And leads to perdition below.

The nature of Christ, placed within me
When I knelt at the foot of the Cross-
Will keep me on the path to heaven
If I obey Him, no matter the cost.

Communion and fellowship with him,
Petition and praise to him gladly,
Allows the perfect nature of Christ,
To mold and conform my life daily.

Though the natures would battle within,
I have found this one thing to be true,
The more the nature of Christ has control
Christ is reflected in all that we do.

The sin nature is kept under control,
By the Holy Spirit of God
Awaiting the day when we are set free,
No more to be ruled by its rod.

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