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I Am But A Vapor

by Deborah Ann Belka

I am but a vapor,
a puff of steam in the air
so, I give to the Lord
all on earth, I have to bear.

I am here today,
but tomorrow I may not be
so, I lay up my treasures
in what I cannot see.

I know not His will,
for the days of my life
so, I give to the Lord
all of my daily strife.

God could have me live,
to a hundred or more
but then again tomorrow
I could be at heaven's door.

I know not the future,
my days are in His hands
so, I rest in the comfort
of His eternal plans.

I cannot add any time,
or even take some away
so, I give to the Lord
my every living day!

James 4:14

"For what is your life? It is even a
vapor that appears for a little time
and then vanishes away. "

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