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Every Day Sing Your Praises

by Deborah Ann Belka

Every day there is a blessing,
a treasure that's in disguise
every day there is joyfulness
even when tears sting our eyes.

Every day God brings sunshine,
even when clouds are in the sky
every day there is laughter
even when mixed with a sigh.

Everyday there are calm waters,
even when there's a stormy sea
every day there is tranquility
even when it's hard for us to see.

Every day there's a new beginning,
even though one comes to an end
every day there's something good
even when we don't flex or bend.

Every day God brings a blessing,
a miracle of trust and new life
everyday there is a fresh song
even when we cry out in our strife.

Every day sing your praises,
even when you're not sure
every day bless His name
and let Jesus heal and cure!

Psalm 145:2

"Every day I will bless You,
And I will praise Your name
forever and ever."

This poem was a finalist in the October 2011 poetry contest

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