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Moses' God Still Lives

by Gertrude Jefferies

Yes, I am the God of Moses
Am I not your God too?
So put your faith and trust in Me
And I will bring you through.

You may not ever understand,
This way that I will lead,
You may even fear and dread it,
but if you will just believe,

I'll make a way where none exists,
I am God! This I can do.
I'll part the waters of your Red Sea,
And I'll walk through them with you.

The waters will not overflow,
Fear not that you will drown,
For every step you walk by faith,
Leads you to higher ground.

Though your enemies be watching,
To see what I can do;
Just have no fear, your God is near,
And I will protect you.

You may yet encounter giants,
Tremble not at their great height.
For if you see them through My eyes,
They'll be grasshoppers in your sight.

So trust your God; your El-Shaddi
Provider of all your needs.
The journey may be rough and long,
But we'll walk in victory!

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