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Oh, Little Lamb

by Deborah Ann Belka

Oh, little lamb run to Him,
and He will gather you in His arms
He will cradle you in His strength
and protect you from all that harms.

You may be strong in your faith,
you may be weak and wandered far
Oh, little lamb don't you see
God loves you - no matter who you are.

He sees the fearful, fainting ones,
He yearns toward the meek and contrite
Oh, little lamb don't you see
just how precious you are - in His sight.

He consoles and renews their strength
with a tender heart He sees to all His sheep
Oh, little lamb don't you see,
He sees every tear - that you weep.

He loves the first and the last of His flock,
all His sheep - He doeth forever cherish
Oh, little lamb don't you see
He wishes not one - should ever perish.

Oh, little lamb run to Him,
He will keep you safe and warm
come little one, and join in the circle
and embrace His everlasting arm!

Isaiah 40:11

"He shall gather the lambs with his arm."

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