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Take Time

by Gertrude Jefferies

'Twas the season of Christmas, abuzz and astir
with the buying and wrapping of Christmas gifts this year.
I was ever so busy, I just didn't have time to spend on my knees, or read a few lines.
And as Christmas drew nearer, the busier I got,
I couldn't go to church now, that was prime time to shop.
I was so sure that Jesus would really understand,
I'd take time for him later, when I had no more plans.
But I wakened one morning, with much to do that day,
And as I rushed out the door, I thought I heard someone say
"Can you not take five minutes of your most precious time
And spend it with an old Friend, and share what's on your mind ?
It has really been lonely since you have stopped praying
And I miss talking with you, as the dawn is breaking.
Getting ready for Christmas should never, ever mean,
That you just don't have time for your Savior, Lord and King.
The Reason for the season, the Hope of all the earth,
That Special Gift from heaven, of blessed Virgin Birth.
Put Christ back into Christmas, give him his rightful place,
Celebrate God's gift of love to the whole human race.
As I stood there and listened, hot tears flooded my eyes,
I asked God to forgive me, and help me to be wise.
Now I start every morning as I used to before,
Spending time in his Presence, receiving from his store.
I will celebrate Christmas with a heart full of joy,
for that Babe in the manger, the little Christ boy.

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