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Just One . . .

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, so many sheep have wandered off,
and from your Word, they've gone astray
You have called upon us, to go on out
and bring back - just one - of them today.

It doesn't matter where they've roamed
nor where their hearts right now, may be
You've asked all your willing shepherds
to turn the - erring one - back unto Thee.

Some have fallen by the wayside,
some are buried in a hopeless pit
some are lost and gone forever
some need a fire in them - to be lit.

Some are sad and all alone,
some have battled, to no good end
some are sick and needing healing
some are broken and need to mend.

It doesn't matter what we must do,
or the sacrifice that we must make
we need to lead and guide them back
lest their souls, the devil will soon take.

Lord, You asked us to go after - but just one,
and to restore the truth, that they once heard,
if every one of us would do just that . . .
we would return to You - an entire herd!

James 5:19-20

"Brethren, if anyone among you wanders
from the truth, and someone turns him
back, let him know that he who turns a
sinner from the error of his way will
save a soul from death and cover a
multitude of sins."

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