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In The Wilderness of My Soul

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, in the wilderness of my soul,
there are valleys deep and low
and sometimes I wander in them
not sure the direction I should go.

In my doubt, I meet with despair,
and my thoughts turn to giving up
for in my self-seeking efforts
I don't see grace raised in Your cup.

In the wilderness of my soul,
there are mountains high and wide
and sometimes I tried to climb them
in the smugness of my pride.

In my own unwavering conceit,
with self-sufficiency in my stride
I can't reach the mountaintop
without the Holy Spirit as my guide.

In the wilderness of my soul,
there is a highway I must prepare
and make it a straightway
so that Your ways, I can declare.

There will be a lot of thorns and thistles,
plenty of roadblocks and hurdles too
but my sins I must get up and over
if I want to get close and near to You.

Lord, there is a wilderness in my soul,
a vast land of empty spaces
and long roads for me to travel on
with plenty of rough places.

But, I know that I'm on the right path,
and in the end - it will lead to You
for I'm on the road paved with mercy
and I know You will see me through!

Luke 3:4

"The voice of one crying in the
wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the
Lord, make his paths straight."

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