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Things . . .

by Deborah Ann Belka

Things . . . we all have lots of them,
and most of them have a hold on us
they crave all our attention
and over them we love to fuss.

Things . . . cluttering up our lives,
stuffed away in crammed up drawers
lying out in the open spaces
locked away behind closed doors.

Things . . . keeping us so very busy,
taking us here and there
requiring all our leisure moments
leaving us no time for God to spare!

Things . . . the need for this and that,
longing after the newest fancy toy
gotta go out and find us one
oh, how our - things - give us joy.

Things . . . lying here and there,
consuming our every waking hour
using up all our extra time
taking away from God, all His power!

Things . . . we gotta have them all,
tucking them deep inside the heart
playing with them in our minds
always keeping us, from God apart!

Things . . . we all have lots of them,
they keep us from being bored and idle
oh, how we worship and adore them
and to God, they've become our idol!

1 John 5:21

"Little children, keep yourselves from
idols. Amen."

1 John 5:21

"Little children, keep yourselves from idols.

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