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Where Are You,Lord?

by Gertrude Jefferies

I'm weary and heartsick,
My eyes filled with tears.
The dreams and ambitions
I've carried for years,
At my feet now lay broken,
In their place fear; doubt.
Life seems one big maze.
I can't find my way out.

Confused and forsaken,
So lost and alone,
My sense of direction
And purpose is gone.
Lord, please hear my heart's prayer,
Reach down from above.
Touch me with your power,
your mercy and love.

Please show me the way through
these problems and fears.
And bring peace once again,
Stop this flow of tears.
Your word says that you are
My strength and my joy,
And the tempter comes only
to rob and destroy.

So Lord, as I wait in
Your presence tonight,
My life's in your hands.
Please make it alright.
I thank you that you are
there when we call.
Into your hands, dear Lord,
I surrender my all.

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