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My Confession

by Gertrude Jefferies

Dear Lord please hear this prayer of mine,
As I confess some days I find,
That I'm not patient, loving or kind
And some days it is hard to shine.

Some days my strength is almost gone
And in my heart there is no song.
To lay my burden down, I long.
That's when it's hard to carry on.

But in the Word of God I read,
That even sparrows you will feed.
And if I follow where you lead,
Then you'll supply my every need.

My heart's an open book to you,
You see my thoughts, desires too.
Know what I can and cannot do,
Yet you said you would see me through.

You are Strength, when my own is gone
And in the night, you give a song.
You give me hope, for my despair,
You let me know how much you care.

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