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Fight On

by Gertrude Jefferies

The battles almost over
Don't quit yet, Child of Mine.
There are more strongholds to be won,
There are more hills to climb.

The enemy has been engaged
You must keep fighting on
Taking back the territory.
So in My Name, be strong!

I've given you everything you need
To wage this war with sin.
My Blood, the power of my Name
Will help you this war to win.

So lift up the blood-stained banner,
Hold it high for all to see.
My banner over you is Love,
Freedom, Peace and Victory.

Every stronghold that you break down
Releases someone's soul.
Giving freedom to a life
Under Satan's control.

Bringing peace and joy and love
Setting the captives free
This is the command I issue
To those who fight for Me.

Heaven is at your disposal
To help you this battle to win.
Soon I will come in my glory,
To finalize vict'ry over sin.

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